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Want to learn how to become a consistently profitable trader without the hype, fluff and get-rich-quick-schemes?
Then you’re in the right place.

The Ultimate Trader – Rayner Teo

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

  • The reason why you should NEVER put your stop loss below Support or above Resistance — and what you should do instead
  • My 4 proprietary entry triggers that get you into the trade with low risk
  • How to “predict” market turning points with deadly accuracy (by drawing a few simple lines)
  • A trading strategy that works in any markets or timeframes
  • And a whole lot more!

Hi, my name is Rayner Teo…

I’m not a multi-millionaire trader, I don’t drive fancy cars, and I don’t live in a penthouse.

But, I am the founder of TradingwithRayner, an independent trader, and the most-followed trader in Singapore.

I specialize in studying great research from people much more qualified than me. Then, I apply it to the real-world of trading to find out what works and what doesn’t. And finally, share them with people like you, so you can become a consistently profitable trader.

Now you’re probably wondering:

“Is this guy worth my time and attention?”

For many readers, my answer is NO.

Here’s why… 

1. I can not help you get rich quick

For some reason, people equate trading to “get rich quick”.

I get it. That’s what attracted me to the business in 2009 (more on that later).

I thought it would be easy money and I’d make thousands coming in every day… by clicking a mouse.

Well, it wasn’t easy money.

Although I’ve been consistently profitable for a few years now… it took lots of work, frustration, and perseverance to get there.

So if you’re not prepared to commit to roughly ten times more effort than you’re expecting, then please leave this page now (I don’t want to waste your time).

2. This is for traders only

The finance space is huge.

You’ve probably heard of stuff like assets, liabilities, debt to equity, P/E, P/B, P/S, and etc.

But… I’m not a finance guy. I’m not an investor. I’m not an analyst.

I’m a trader. And the only thing I care about is — Price.

So, if you don’t want to learn how to trade, then this isn’t a place for you.

3. I refuse to help lazy people


When I hear someone say, “What’s the easiest way”, it means I’m not invested in the long term success of my trading business.

And that really translates to “I don’t want to work”.

Look, trading is HARD WORK.

Yes, your earning potential is limitless. It can be just like you imagined: Making consistent profits by clicking a mouse.

But that takes HARD WORK to create and it takes HARD WORK to maintain.

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